BlueCielo Kronodoc 2012 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About the Alerts add-on > Configuring approval classes

Configuring approval classes

Approval classes are sets of different internal and external approval periods that users can select to apply to specific documents depending on the approval requirements of the documents. The approval periods, in turn, determine the dates when alert notifications are sent to the responsible persons. When approval classes are assigned to documents, they override the default periods configured as described in Configuring the Alerts options. Configuring approval classes specifies separate approval periods for internal and external approvals. For example, an approval class named A1 can be defined with a 7-day internal approval period and a 14-day external approval period. Configuring approval classes is optional.

To configure approval classes:

Note    In the following procedure, unless specified as examples or defaults, property values must be set exactly as shown.

  1. If it does not already exist, create a custom property set as described in Creating, editing, and deleting custom property sets.
  1. Set the options using the information in the following table.
Alert custom property set options
Code Name



  1. If it does not already exist, create one custom property as described in Creating, editing, and deleting custom property definitions.
  1. Set the options using the information in the following table.
Alert custom property options
Field code Field name Field type Values


Approval class

Pop-up menu


  1. In the Settings view, expand the name of the workspace that you want to configure, expand Alert Configuration, and click Approval class. A page showing the current approval classes appears.
  2. Click Modify to define an approval class. A page showing the available approval class options appears.
  3. For each approval class in Approval class name:
  1. Select the class from the Approval class name list.
  2. Type the number of days for internal approval and external approval (if configured) in Approval time.
  3. Click Save. The page refreshes.

To disable alerts for an approval class:

  1. Select the class in Approval class name and click Clear. A confirmation dialog box appears.
  2. Click OK. The page refreshes.

Related concepts

About the Alerts add-on

Related tasks

Configuring the Alerts options

Configuring document type approval periods

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